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COVID-19 has negatively impacted the SRHR of many people across the globe. Containment measures such as restriction of movement (lockdowns) and school closures have not only exacerbated a lack of access to critical SRHR services. Still, they have also increased SRHR vulnerabilities among young people in Uganda. The country has had the longest school closure periods globally, with children kept out of education for almost two academic years (UNICEF, 2021). During this time, the prevalence of teenage pregnancy, child marriage and SGBV has increased significantly. The increase in early child and forced marriages related to the pandemic in Bukwo district was confirmed by community members in a study conducted by AMREF (2021). Power to You(th) in Uganda is led by Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU), Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum (UYAHF), and the Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI). The program implementation areas include Kalangala, Isingiro, Mbale, Busia, Bukwo, an area in eastern Uganda where Female Genital Mutilation is highly practised and Kampala, where the secretariat is based.