In Ghana, the Power to You(th) programme is being implemented by a consortium of three (3); Norsaac as the lead partner, Ghana SRHR Alliance for Young People (GH-Alliance) and Songtaba. There are eleven youth and women led organizations who are so far partnering as sub-grantees responding to specific issues of the programme. The programme covers five of the country’s sixteen (16) regions which include Upper East, Savannah, North East, Northern and Greater Accra Regions, with the latter serving as policy influencing Region. Covering ten districts, and forty communities within the four beneficiary regions, the programme has adopted and is implementing the Movement of Youth (MoYs) concept that has brought on board four Regional MoYs who have joined the Ghana consortium in implementing the programe and mostly coordinating activities of over forty community level MoYs. This makes the programme a truly youth-centered operationalizing the MYPE principle.

The four beneficiary Regions form part of the top six Regions in Ghana that record high rates of teenage pregnancies, SGBVs and other harmful practices like FGM, Kayaye(Head porters), early and forced marriages, widowhood rites and exchange marriages. To ensure effective partnership and sustainability of the programme interventions, the Ghana consortium collaborates closely with young people (youth groups/movement of youth at community, district, regional and National level) societal actors (chiefs, pastors, Imams and women leaders), state actors (Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP), Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), Municipal and District Assemblies ng Commission (MMDAs), etc and other CSOs. The Country Management Team (CMT) is made up of Executive Directors of the three consortium partners, a young person from the MoYs , Partnership Officer and the National Programme Coordinator. The CMT provides strategic guidance and support to the programme planning, implementation and monitoring through the various TWGs. PtY Ghana is committed to cross country learning and connects regularly with other PtY implementing countries, global TWGs and partners like Choice for youth among others for sharing and learning events.

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christine eve
We began in 2021 and can confidently conclude that the first year of the Power To You(th) program's implementation has been a success. There were challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the political environment that affected program implementation due to conservative norms, elections, and even a war in Ethiopia.